Phoenix Fashion Week is coming…

Are you ready??

Posted in "It's Friday, I'm in love!", Fashion


"We are not merely the persona that we dream our self to be, but exist as something so pure, so limitless, so mysterious that no words can capture or adequately describe what it is that we are."

Posted in Positive.Powerful.Permagrins!, Tiffany Tank

FALL into Fall!

It's that time of year again... the leaves are changing, the weather is cooling off (if only at night)... Fall is certainly on it's way! Isn't it fabulous!? Fall is definitely one of my favorite seasons, if only for the wardrobe choices {shocker, I know}. You have some time but the season is upon you, I say the time is NOW to dig your favorite boots, coats, cozy sweaters & scarves back out of your closet!! If it's leather, suede, cashmere, wool... I want it out of your closet & within reach. GO! What are your Fall favorites??
Posted in Fashion

I would! {Wednesday}

Studs, head-to-toe leather, spikes, leopard, vertical stripes, bright color, etc...! Daring trends or bold conversation pieces? These confidence-is-a-requirement styles certainly aren't for the coy, modest or faint of heart. However, I say: the bolder the better! I would rock every one of these styles, in a heartbeat! But that's me. Would you?
Posted in Fashion

Just another MANIC Monday?

I say: NAY!

::   Dream  ·  Create  ·  ·   LIVE  ·   Smile!   ::

Posted in Positive.Powerful.Permagrins!